Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Incorrect causation from correlation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Incorrect causation from correlation - Essay Example There are numerous instances when the author incorrectly infers causation from correlation. The author’s intention is to sway the readers’ minds to believe that the wind energy is for the people’s benefit. When a random survey is done, it is evident that the wind energy project will receive greater support from people in different states in the United States. For example, some farmers from Ottawa Valley Farm Show have disapproved the move of putting up wind turbines (Koch, 2014). Many leaders have come up with issues that demand a halt for the project because of the issues behind it. Many people believe that it is a good idea but it still needs to be acceptable by everyone. Some have approved the project; others have remained neutral regarding the matter (Koch, 2014). The position of many people is never clear because they feel the project must enhance correlation with the citizens from specific states. Finally, the author of the article believes that wind energy is worthwhile and should be initiated in all the states. Nonetheless, the individuals from the states demand that a consensus be reached prior to initiating the program. Koch, W. (2014, April 14). U.S. wind industry slammed by tax uncertainity, fracking. USA TODAY. Retrieved April 16, 2014, from

Monday, October 28, 2019

Yahoo and Amazon Essay Example for Free

Yahoo and Amazon Essay 1. Describe, in brief, the histories of both of and, and determine the core business of each. Yahoo and Amazon have been seeking to have a competitive advantage for years. Since they were incorporated, the companies have experienced a mix of challenges and success as they strive to gain market share. To start with, Yahoo was established in 1995. Yahoo is one of the global technology companies that compete for the growing number online users in the recent world. The company delivers digital content and experiences on various platforms including mobile devices. Furthermore, the company provides properties and online services. Marketing services is a major business for the company. Generally, the company earns revenues from text-based links to advertisers, search advertising, display advertising, and other essential sources. The company has five core segments that include Search and Market Places, Communications and Communities, Developers and Platform Offerings, Advertise and Publisher offerings and Services, and Media. Lastly, the company has operations in approximately 60 countries. Nonetheless, Amazon was incorporated in 1995. It offers online retailing services to customers across the world. Amazon focuses on convenience, selection, and price. In addition to the direct retailing services, the company allows other small and medium sized businesses to sell their products through the company’s websites. The customers and business are able to complete their orders and transactions in Amazon’s websites. Other individuals such as authors, musicians, and filmmakers are also able to sell their products using the same platform. Millions of products are offered through the website. The website may be accessed through PCs, and even mobile applications. The core segments of the company include the International segment, and the North American segment. Generally, the company has witnessed substantial growth since its inception. The success of the company may be attributed to the strategic actions  implemented by Jeffrey Bezos, the founder of the company (Amit, 2012). The next section will illustrate the strategic difference between the companies. 2. Determine the key strategic differences that have impacted the relative success of both and Provide two (2) specific examples of such strategic differences to support the response. The strategic actions undertaken by the company would determine the success of the company (Coulson-Thomas, 2013). Yahoo and Amazon have implemented different strategic actions since their establishment. On the fore, Yahoo core business does not involve direct retailing. Yahoo provides a platform for business people who engage in e-commerce. From the sales earned in the Yahoo stores, the company is able to earn commission. Particularly, the company’s core business involves advertising and marketing services. This contributes to a huge chunk of the company’s revenues. As far as human resources are concerned, Yahoo employees do not have a high level of autonomy as compared to the situation in Amazon. Yahoo coordinates with entertainment content providers and media in improving their website. They do not invest in the employees in enhancing creativity and innovation as compared to Amazon. On the other hand, Amazon has a different approach as far as online retailing is concerned. Initially, the company was involves in selling books in its websites. No other business used the website to sell or market its services. Amazon engaged directly with its customers. In the initial years of the company, this was an effective strategy. The company was a monopoly in the online book selling. This created a barrier for potential entrant. However, with the improvement in technology the company had to diversify its operations in order to sustain its position in the market. Other competitors were reaping big from diversified products; hence, the need for the company to similarly expand its operations. Therefore, the company had to modify its operations to fits to the growing market for online retailing. 3. Compare and contrast the approach to strategic planning that each company has pursued in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Focus specifically on both intended and emergent strategies. Strategic planning is an important step for any company that seeks to gain a competitive advantage in the market. There is need for the company’s management to set out plans and strategic actions in achieving the organization’s goals and objectives (Hill, 2013). An effective designed  strategic planning process would steer the company to success. Basically, there are intended and emergent strategies. The intended strategies are those that the companies hope to implement. The effective implementation of the intended strategies would lead to the realized strategies. On the other hand, emergent strategies are those that are not planned for by the management. They are unexpected and are always as a result of competitors actions. In the case of Amazon and Yahoo, both intended and emergent strategies were implemented in achieving competitive advantage. One of the emergent strategies that Amazon implemented is the diversification strategy. The Company allows other businesses to sell their products in the company’s website. This provides a variety of products and services for customers. The diversification strategy was in response to the increasing competition from businesses that equally have diversified portfolio. Nonetheless, the level of product diversification in Yahoo is not commensurate to that of Amazon. The company offers space for other businesses to sell their products through its website. However, the company itself does not engage in direct selling of the products. The company has various features in its website ranging from games, emailing, to financial news updates. The main aim of the company in providing a variety of features in its website is increasing traffic. More traffic in the company’s website implies that there will be more clients demanding the advertising services of the company. In increasing its popularity in the market, the company invested in aggressive advertising. Next, both companies have invested in expansion strategy. With increase in globalization, there is potential market for online retailing. Amazon has an international segment, which focuses on the global market. Lastly, Yahoo and Amazon have different approaches on employees’ motivation. Am azon employs a participative approach whereas Yahoo is mainly autocratic. Amazon employees are free to make decisions that concern new ideas and the success of the company. This has been critical for the success of the company. 4. Analyze the manner in which each company’s distinctive competencies help to shape the strategies that each company pursues. Provide a rationale to support the response. Distinctive and core competencies are essential in transforming the strategies of the companies (Mellat-Parast, 2013). Effective strategic  implementation depends on the distinctive competencies. On the fore, Amazon has various distinctive competencies that have assisted it in shaping its strategies. The technology experts of the company have been critical in its strategic implementation. Innovation being essential for the company, the technology experts has improving the service provision quality. The websites have been effectively designed to meet the customer’s needs and requirements. Another distinctive competency involves the association program. Allowing other enterprises to conduct business in its website has been significant for the company’s diversification strategy. Therefore, the association program has shaped the company’s diversification strategy. On the other hand, Yahoo has various distinctive competencies that have played a role in its strategic planning. As pointed out earlier, the company’s website host a range of service. This is essential in improving the number of visitors in its website. With respect to this, the companys marketing strategy has been shaped by the distinct website. Furthermore, the company’s expansion and diversification strategies are supported by the numerous services offered in its website. The company has also been effective in forming strategic partnerships, for instance, the collaboration with Microsoft. The partnerships have gone a long way in reducing the company’s operating expenses despite the numerous challenges and competition. 5. Recommend one (1) functional level strategy for each company which prescribes the essential ways in which each may achieve superior efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer responsiveness. Provide a rationale to support the response. The functional level strategies are effective in achieving the business and corporate level strategies. They are implemented at the operational level, and directly involve the employees. I would recommend an effective marketing strategy for Amazon. The company is in a competitive environment with eBay being its largest competitor. Amazon should ensure that its products are offered at a low price as part of its marketing strategy. For instance, the company should offer discounts or free shipping with an aim of attracting more customers. They should be speedy delivery of the products in order to earn superior efficiency. The response to customer complaints and inquiries should also be fast. This would improve the company’s competitiveness. Nonetheless, I would recommend both a human resource and marketing strategy  for Yahoo. The company’s competitiveness has been low in the recent years. The company should invest in recruitment of skilled personnel that would contribute in enhancing its research and development. Furthermore, the management should allow for independent decision making. This would reinforce the innovation strategy since independent decision making promotes creativity. Next, the company should modify its marketing strategy to meet the needs of the current dynamic environment. More emphasis should be on social media marketing. This approach is cheaper and has a wider coverage (Amit, 2012). The company may be close to prospective customers through Facebook, twitter, and YouTube. References Amit, R. . (2012). Creating value through business model innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(3), 41-49. Coulson-Thomas, C. (2013). Implementing strategies and policies. , . Strategic Direction, 29(3), 33-35. doi:doi:10.1108/02580541311304643 Hill, C. . (2013). Strategic management: An integrated approach (10th ed.). Independence, KY: Cengage. Mellat-Parast, M. (2013). Supply chain quality management. International Journal of Quality Reliability Management, 30(5), 511-529. doi:10.1108/02656711311315495

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Othello :: essays research papers

(II, i, 176-178, p.71) IAGO (To himself) He takes her by the hand. Yes, very good, whisper to her! With This little web, I’ll catch a fly as big as Cassio. Yes, Smile at her, go ahead! I’ll catch you in your own flirtation. Character Intent: Iago is definitely speaking these lines for one clear reason. Iago wants to manipulate Cassio and get him close to Desdemona therefore Othello could see this occur and become angered. Iago knows that Cassio is a very flirtatious person and therefore, Iago’s evil deed might be a very easy task to accomplish. Iago uses the metaphor of the fly and the spider web to symbolize Cassio (fly) getting caught in the web (getting caught in Iago’s manipulation). Writer Intent: Shakespeare uses these lines in the dialogue to show Iago’s sarcasm about the situation occurring. Shakespeare also has Iago speak to himself in this part of the dialogue to show the insanity and sickness that Iago has built up inside, just aching to be released. Shakespeare also puts this dialogue into the story to show how courteous and respectful Cassio really is to Desdemona. And by seeing this, Shakespeare had the perfect opportunity to let Iago’s plans unfold. Behavior: The following lines should be said very dementedly by Iago. He should read the lines very slowly and creepy to show how passionate Iago is in wanting to achieve his goal of destroying Othello. (II, i, 197-201, p.73) OTHELLO If I were to die right now, I would die perfectly happy; for I’m afraid I am so splendidly content that I won’t have another joy like this one for the rest of my life. Character Intent: Othello spoke these lines in the dialogue to show the only thing he cares about. Othello shows that he cares about and loves Desdemona. He really puts his point across to everyone by saying that even if death struck him down at that very moment, he would die happy since he had the chance to see the love of his life, Desdemona. Othello makes it clear that even after his hellish fleet, the voyage would not be over until Othello saw his beautiful bride. Writer Intent: Shakespeare puts these lines in the story because they show a really strong meaning. This line reinforces everyone that Othello and Desdemona are in love with each other. Shakespeare shows the deep relationship between Othello and Desdemona to show how much they truly care and love each other.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Albania still bears the traces

Albania, one of Europe’s smallest and isolated countries is also one of the most ancient countries in Europe. Yet its beauty and splendor, its rich natural resources and its extraordinary tradition of hospitality are just few of the many reasons why the outside world should be interested in this country (Konitza 10).Albania still bears the traces of its turbulent past, a history that has been the story of a never-ending succession of invasion and defense, of subjection and revolt. At one time or another, Greeks and Romans, Goths and Byzantines, Serbs and Bulgars, Sicilians and Venetians, Normans and Turks have poured into the country and held it for varying periods (Hamm 3).Many historians believed that the people of Albania descended from a non-Slavic, non-Turkic group of tribes known as Illyrians, who arrived in the Balkans around 2000 BC. The modern Albanians can still be distinguished from Ghegs (northern tribes) and Tosks (southern tribes). After falling under Roman autho rity in 165 BC, Albania was controlled nearly continuously by a succession of foreign powers such as the Byzantine Empire in the 11th century which made the first recorded reference to a land known as Albania and its people.The Ottoman Empire also ruled Albania form 1385-1912 and it was during this time that much of the populations were converted to Islam.   There were revolts made against the Ottoman, the most famous was led by Gjergj Kastrioti Skenderbeg which eventually became Albania's national hero.   But efforts failed as the Ottomans eventually reasserted their dominance.The hundred of years of Ottoman rule weakened during the early 20th century as Albanian nationalism heightened.   This eventually ended with the conclusion of the First Balkan War, and the Vlore Proclamation of Independence on November 28, 1912.When the Second World War broke, Albania was occupied by different countries.   First by Italy (1939-43) and then by Germany (1943-44). After the war, Communis m ruled Albania for forty years through the Communist Party leader Enver Hoxha.  During this time, Albania adhered to a strict Stalinist philosophy through a combination of ruthlessness and strategic alliances and most of the population was subjected to purges, shortages, repression of civil and political rights, a total ban on religious observance, and increased isolation.   In 1991, Communism fall and the Albanian society struggled to overcome its historical isolation and underdevelopment by seeking closer ties with the West in order to improve economic conditions.During this time the basic democratic reforms, including a multi-party system was introduced.   Albania's fragile democratic structures were strengthened by democrats, then socialists; from presidential to parliamentary which eventually ushered in a new period of political stability, making possible significant progress in democratic and economic reforms, rule of law initiatives, and the development of Albania's re lations with its neighbors and the United States.   (Frasheri 25).  The website mentioned that Albania adopted the Parliamentary democratic type of government with executive branch; the President of the Republic (chief of state), the Prime Minister (head of the government), Council of Ministries (appointed by the President); the legislative branch-Peoples Assembly (a unicameral type, 140 seats) and the Judicial branch (the Supreme court and all other).   Its police and security forces have shown effectiveness.  Each security or police organization–the Sigurimi, the Frontier Guards, and the People's Police–constituted a separate directorate within the ministry; each had a larger proportion of personnel who were party members than the armed forces because of the need for political reliability. Albania's relations with the outside world are mainly concerned with preservation of its territorial integrity and independence.Albania maintains generally goo d relations with its foreign neighbors such as Yugoslavia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Italy and Greece It also enjoys friendly and cooperative bilateral relations with the U.S as Pro-U.S. sentiment is widespread among the population. The strength of the government is supported with its Armed forces which includes ground forces, air and air defense forces, and naval forces and comprised about 48,000 active-duty and 155,000 reserve personnel.According to the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress, Albania’s economy is considered the poorest in Europe. This is maybe due to the fact that Albania has been isolated and underdeveloped for centuries. Economists estimated the gross domestic product per capita at about US$450 in 1990.Latest figures (2005) shows 5.5% Real GDP growth with an inflation rate of 2.4% and unemployment rate by 14.2%.   Despite significant progress in the twentieth century, Albania still lagged far behind the other European nations economically. The ec onomic policy insisted on rigid centralization and forced industrialization despite Albania's small size and lack of skilled workers, able administrators, and farmers capable of producing key raw materials and enough grain to feed the population.Albania has abundant literate workforce but unemployed and unskilled workers but few jobs are available in the country.   Because of this, thousands of desperate Albanians fled abroad seeking jobs because of the wretched standard of living and limited economic opportunity at home.The social structure of the country was basically tribal until the 1930s but increasing contact with the outside world and invasions and occupations by foreign armies had gradually weakened tribal society.   Traditionally there have been two major cultures in the Albanian nation: the Gegs in the north and the Tosks in the south.The Gegs, partly Roman Catholic but mostly Muslim, lived until after World War II in a mountain society characterized by blood feuds and fierce clan and tribal loyalties. The Tosks, whose number included many Muslims as well as Orthodox Christians, were less culturally isolated mainly because of centuries of foreign influence.Kinship and tribal affiliations, a common spoken language, and enduring folk customs provided continuity and a sense of community. Foreign influence was inevitable, however. Additions and modifications to the language were made as a result of Latin, Greek, Slavic, and Turkish contacts. Lacking an organized religion as part of their Illyrian heritage, Albanians adopted the Muslim, Orthodox, and Roman Catholic faiths brought to them by their conquerors.In Albania, the basic unit of society was the extended family, usually composed of a couple, their married sons, the wives and children of the sons, and any unmarried daughters.The extended family formed a single residential and economic entity held together by common ownership of means of production and common interest in the defense of the group. Such families often included scores of persons, and, as late as 1944, some encompassed as many as sixty to seventy persons living in a cluster of huts surrounding the father's house.For centuries, the family was the basic unit of the country's social structure. To a great extent, the privacy of the family supplanted that of the state. Children were brought up to respect their elders and, above all, their father, whose word was law within the confines of his family (Marmullaku 82-85).Whether its in the past or present, ancient or modern, young or old, Muslim or Christian, rich or poor, north or south, urban or rural, monarchist or socialist: the extremes of Albanian society are vivid and its tensions palpable.Albania is more like a framework, a stable structure of rigid poles positioned in space –and linked together by flexible cables. The cables are stressed but, barring catastrophe, they will not snap. Albania, a land that is very beautiful, is still struggling to leave its communist past and the almost eternal post communism transition behind and find the right route to economical, political, and social stability and prosperity.Works CitedAlbanian Information.   Albanian Government .Available: Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. Country Studies.Available:, Kristo. The History of Albania. Tiranà «: Naim Frasheri State, 1964. Hamm, Harry.   Albania–China's Beachhead in Europe.   New York:   Praeger, 1963.Konitza, Faik. â€Å"Albania: The Rock Garden of Southeastern Europe.†Ã‚   Pages Panarity (ed.), Albania: The Rock Garden   of Southeastern Europe and Other Essays.Boston:Pan-Albanian Federation of America, 1957. Marmullaku, Ramadan. Albania and the Albanians. Hamden, New York: Archon Books, 1975.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Examine the roles of the witches in ‘Macbeth’ Essay

In the Elizabethan times, the people believed in witches and witchcraft. They were described as ugly and evil. Nowadays the people would not believe in them. The people in the Elizabethan times would be very scared of witches. This was equivalent to the people of nowadays being frightened about terrorists. The people thought that they were powerful beings. They thought that they would cast spells on them; they thought that the witches were the ones that influenced the weather and also someone’s personality. They were most likely to be old women with moles on their body. If the people wanted to find out if someone was a witch or not, they would tie the woman onto a ducking stool and then place them under the water for along time. If the people saw that the woman was dead they would definitely be relieved, as the woman would not be a witch. If the woman survived for a long time in the water then the people would take the woman out and then burn them or they would hang them. For people to be terrified by witches was very common. This was very good for William Shakespeare because then he could make the play much more frightening. This would be equivalent to a horror film nowadays. There are three or four scenes in the book, which include the witches. In the beginning the witches are just making plans about where to meet again. They say that they are going to meet Macbeth on top of the Heath. This scene is important because this is where the witches are telling the audience about where they are going to make the predictions. Another scene that involves the witches is when they are explaining the predictions to Macbeth and Banquo. The three predictions are: Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor: â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Cawdor† He will be king: â€Å"All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king here after† Banquo’s children will be king after: (to Banquo) â€Å"Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none† Macbeth is very surprised at this point because he says to himself, â€Å"The Thane of Cawdor lives† These predictions are very important because they set the scene for the rest of the play. Further into the book, Macbeth kills King Duncan and Banquo. This happens because the predictions that witches made are coming true. Macbeth wants to know more information about the predictions, † Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me more† The witches are very important and play a very vital role in the story. They are the ones that made the predictions and they are also the ones that Macbeth needs guidance from. The witches would not be very realistic for a modern audience because the people nowadays don’t believe in witches. In the Elizabethan times the scenes with the witches would be very terrifying and horrific for the audience because the people of that time would believe in witches and thought that they were evil and possessed special powers. Nowadays, the audience because of good acting would appreciate the people who would act as witches, and they would also think that the story was well written. The audience would be as horrified with the apparitions as they would be with the scenes with the witches. A modern audience will find the scene very interesting. The two characters that meet the witches are Macbeth and Banquo. When they met the witches, both of them had different views about them. When Macbeth sees the witches he says, â€Å"Speak if you can: what are you?† Macbeth believed in the predictions that the witches made and he took it very seriously. On the other hand Banquo takes it more lightly as it would not affect him, it would affect his children. The audience in the Elizabethan times would favour Macbeth more than Banquo as Macbeth takes the witches much more seriously. Nowadays, not many people would believe in witches and witchcraft and so would not believe in the spells and predictions. The people nowadays would favour Banquo. Banquo and the people of nowadays would agree that the predictions are not true. He has a dream and he starts to believe in the witches, â€Å"To you they have show’d some truth† This shows that Banquo’s views seem to change. Macbeth starts to take the witches much more seriously when he finds out that their predictions are coming true. There is a lot of dramatic impact in the play. The drama includes the battles in the beginning when the Norwegians try to take over Scotland; the murders of king Duncan and Banquo; the hallucination that Macbeth sees with the dagger, which is full of blood and it, is taking him towards killing king Duncan; and the witches with their spells and the predictions. The witches are some of the most important characters in the play because they are the ones who cast the spells and also make the important predictions. The witches would make a dramatic impact on the stage. When the witches cast the spells then the audience would react in a terrified manner. They would believe in what they see because they believed that it was possible that witches existed and it reflected reality. During the Elizabethan times there would have been a lot of limitations. For the battles they were missing sound effects and also the music had to played live instead of a recording; the costumes were not very good; when the witches needed to vanish there was no smoke effect which would make it much more realistic, but they did have a trap door; the problem that there was while performing the part of the witches was that females were not allowed to play, so they had to be played by men; the scenery was unsatisfactory; and they did not have lights which meant that they had to perform during the day. An Elizabethan director would portray the witches as being ugly and terrifying. The witches would probably wear masks that would have a mole on the face. They would try to make them look like old women because these are the kinds of people that the public thought were witches. The director would try to make it realistic just to add dramatic impact. An Elizabethan audience would react in a different way compared to a modern audience. An Elizabethan audience would be terrified as this would be equivalent to a horror film nowadays. They would have thought of the witches as being symbols of evil. A modern director would have a bigger advantage when setting up the play. There would be a lot of facilities that the director could use. He could use the sound effects for the battles; thunder and lightening for when witches were casting a spell; projection; women would allowed to play which would make it much more realistic; there would be better scenery; they could use curtains at the end of the scene just to explain to the audience that the scene was over; and also a modern director could use recorded music instead of having a live band. A modern director might portray the witches the same way that the directors in the Elizabethan times would have except that the part of the witches would be played by real characters. They might use special effects to show witches disappear. A modern audience would react differently after watching the play. They would not believe in witches because they know that it has been proven that witches don’t exist. A modern audience would not react to the play as if it was a horror film but they would think of the play as being very good and interesting. They would watch it for entertainment and the special effects would have dramatic impact on the audience. The impact on the audience would change over the years. The people would not believe in it because they will know that it is proven that witches don’t exist which is why the reaction of the audience would change over time. There were a lot of differences between Elizabethan and modern interpretations of the witches. The director in the Elizabethan times would make the witches wear costumes, and they would try to make them scary for the audience. The audience in the Elizabethan time would be scared as they thought witches were real, whereas a modern audience would not think of it as a horror film but as an interesting story.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Research Methodology on Hospitality and Tourism The WritePass Journal

Research Methodology on Hospitality and Tourism Introduction: Research Methodology on Hospitality and Tourism Introduction:Importance of the Research Topic:Literature ReviewResearch Method: Research Design:Sampling methods and Size:Data Collection:Qualitative Research:Quantitative Research:Questionnaire Design Process: Research Questions:  Main objectives of the research:Data Analysis:Referencing Sources:Conclusion:References:Related Introduction: The main purpose of the research is to evaluate or create exiting understanding, review and investigate existing situation or problems, find out the appropriate solutions to the problems as well explain new idea and generate scope of further research. Research on the issues on tourism sector is to focus on problems of the specified sector and find out appropriate solution of research. Tourism is now a global industry connecting hundred millions of people worldwide; which been recognised as a fastest rising sectors. These industries make it as a key column of economic development of any destination country. World travel and tourism council (WTTC) find out by their latest research in 2011 that from Travel Tourism industry’s direct input to global GDP growing by 3.3%, to US$1,770 billion at the year 2010. Running 2011, this upgrading is forecast to reinforce extra– by 4.5% to US$1,850 billion; where 3 million industry jobs will be created. As per research forecast by WTTC based on   Bangladesh; where shows countries GDP is expected to be BDT184.4bn (2.3% of total GDP) in 2011, increasing   6.3% pa to BDT339.2bn (2.3%) in 2021 from the direct contribution of Travel Tourism . Royal Danish Embassy (2008) explain Bangladesh as a tourist destination of South Asian region, where the smallest number of tourist arrivals and most minuscule income earned from its travel and tourism sector. As well they identified tourism is one of the rapidly growing for Bangladesh, which can make significant contributions on its economy. Bangladesh has some significant tourist attraction such as world largest unbroken sea beach Cox’s Bazar, leading world 7 wonder nominated mangrove forest Sundarban etc; but its fails to attract world tourist due to inadequate promotional actions which can bring brand country image on tourism. (Hossain Nazmin, 2006) explain that, Bangladesh holding enormous recourses to attract international tourists with affluent traditions, sunny beaches, archaeological attractions, cultural heritages, hills, mangrove forest, wild lives, tribal culture and architecture, colourful festivals etc. The international media most often focused on countries ongoing political instability, which made huge negative country image as a tourist destination. Instead of political valances Bangladesh has incredible prospects on its tourism sector. Due to political incidents tourism industry is seriously hampered. Master plan on future tourism in Bangladesh are not maintaining strictly. When the countries tourism got tourism friendly steady environment; the sector flourishes and at the same time increase arrivals. There are major problems on tourism in Bangladesh and huge opportunities to ensure continued tourism. In this research, I am going to examine how tourism of Bangladesh will thrive in spite of identified problems. Importance of the Research Topic: Many countries in the world are dependents on tourism sector for earning of foreign currency.   Where, every destination is trying to establish their country image to get more gain by rising tourism sector; Bangladesh is very slow to reach this goal. In this research, we are going to examine the problems and significant prospects of tourism sector in Bangladesh. As a citizen of the said country; It is an opportunity for me to find out the key barriers of the development of tourism in Bangladesh. It is very important for my country to identify the reasons for downturn of our tourism sector; where neighbor countries tourism growth is highly appreciable. (Akther , 2001) explain that, Bangladesh is beautiful and wealthy by its own natural attractiveness. Unluckily, the country are not steady to provide tourist friendly atmosphere. Lack of effectual initiatives, appropriate management plan; where countries political volatility is the main key barriers. Bangladesh has incredible prospects on its tourism sector to make a positive destination image in international tourism. But, at present scenario of tourism in Bangladesh is facing a lot of major problems; where political unrest is the vital issue to make its poor image in international tourism. Lack of socio-political commitments the country still suffering after four decades of independences. Bangladesh has awesome tourism attractions to establish a branding country image in the international tourism industry; regrettably, countries political unrest badly affects its growth on tourism. Unpleasant security and political disturbances within Bangladesh decrease both domestic and international tourists to explore the country. World tourists are feared to make their visit to a destination with political anxiety. Matter of regret that, even local tourist does not feel free to explore Bangladesh due to political uncertainty; where they found it much safe and secured to make an outbound trip to travel. The prospects of tourism in Bangladesh are gravely troubled by a number of problems. In this study we are mostly focus on the key barriers of tourism sector in Bangladesh and examine which is the significant way to recover its beauty. Here, the research findings will drastically expand the range of information on the topic of research and it would be the supplementary literature with the breathing academic literature. The finding of the research would be supportive to any of researcher to consider the more areas; which is not covered in this research. Literature Review ‘’Tourism: A Community Approach’’; A publications by Murphy’s (1985) which directly focused the basic requirements for the destinations communities to make a bridge between the development of tourism relating to local demands. Afterward many studies developed on the diverse associations amid tourism destinations and its communities (Richards Hall-2000). Tourism can be seen financially viable action which produces a variety of positive as well negative impacts. This is identified by his earlier study on tourism Swarbrooke (1999). In order to develop a sustainable plan on tourism and its socio-economic, environmental as well socio-cultural aspects of tourism should be well tacit. The well planed balance among financial profit and social and ecological expenditure; these are key factor of sustainable tourism development. The development of tourism depended on first-rate sustainable atmosphere. The future trends of tourism marketing should be emphasised on ecological reliability of socio-economic structure, natural resources and cultural heritages. Sustainable tourism will make a huge financial input to the destination and world economy Hassan (2000). Sustainability is one of the vital concepts of tourism development. Richards Hall (2000) identify the significance relations between the destinations community and sustainability. Local communities are the crucial motivation for tourists to travel by experiencing the different thought of life. The development of tourist destinations widely depends on its social responsibilities, political stability and well planned tourism future goal. These things can bring huge socio-cultural reimbursement; upgrade living standards of communities and economic growth come from its superb tourism distribution.   An alternative promising approach to avert those expansions is to encourage and spend in sustainable tourism. This is a concept of tourism that can defend socio-cultural and environment of tourist destination; which is called eco-tourism, Shaw Williams (2004). Safety and security reasons have changed the world travel tourism environment. The terrorist attack at September 11, 2001 in USA makes devastating impacts on world tourism industry. Now days the management of destinations closely think and should make their future tourism plan including such solemn issues destination recovery, risk and crisis management. As per crisis guideline of WTO for the tourism industry aware the tourist destinations that be organized before the emergency, minimise smash up during the disaster and recovering destination image and traveller confidence after the crisis. (WTO, 2003a) The development of tourism industries depends on destinations calm tourist friendly environment. Beirman (2003) identified a few core reasons that makes destination crisis. 1. Countries long-standing internal political violence. 2. International war or clash. 3. Terrorist attack on tourist and destinations. 4. Major criminal act. 5. Natural disasters such as Strom or Volcano, Flood, Earthwork. 6.   Health issues affecting tourist attractions Lepp and Gibson (2003) find out four key risk factor is seriously harmful for the destination tourism growth. These are Political violence, crime, health concerns and terrorism. International Society of Hospitality Consultants (ISHC) identified global issues and challenges where upward worldwide uncertainty for safety and security got priority. Tourism industry of any countries would be suffered due to crisis and especially political instability.   Tourist never wants to travel certain place where several crisis going on. Country loosing economic growth from tourism as well creates a time long negative impact as a tourist destination.   Ankomah and Crompton (1990) state that, any crisis or domestic turmoil makes the country as an unsafe tourist destination where the tourist not to visit that country. While constraints on tourist movement the politics plays a vital role in the world tourism industry. Destinations positive political stability makes encouraging and involving nations. Political turmoil makes the destination unsafe and as a result imposing travel limits by others nations in that country. The unintentional expansion of tourism’s has spoilt many of tourist destinations normal nature and socio cultural environment.   Unwanted side-effects have lead to the rising alarm for the natural wealth, human interests and extended time economic feasibility of the destinations communities (Akis- Peristianis and Warner, 1996). Bangladesh is a beautiful tourist destination and it holding potential prospects on tourism sector. The country has significant attraction to catch the attention of world tourism. But in term of world tourism the present condition of this country is not enough for tourism distributions; where the political violence’s is the core issue which seriously affects its tourism Islam and Islam (2006). Pearson (2002) noted that without well planned risk or crisis management any tourist destination institute cannot escape from crisis. Organisation should take serious effort for its risk management. The way for the tourist destination to decrease crisis smash up to make effective preparation. Country should be taken towering concern for each business concerned in tourism industry. Bangladesh has got the top ten ranked as the Best Value Destination in the world for 2011by world’s leading travel guidebooks’’ Lonely Planet’’; which is owned by BBC worldwide. Lonely Planet mentioned that if any world tourists choose Bangladesh will be rewarded most and get the maximum â€Å"value for his money†. In the literature review, the distinguish authors has been well descried that the crisis or problems, how it affects countries tourism industry. Where, the following variables are extremely essential to improve tourism sector of the destinations:   Safety and security, political instability, branding destination image and way of sustainable tourism. Research Method: In this section, we will talk about the methods, which will be used for this study. Research issues such as research design, sample, population, procedure of sampling, questionnaires and numerical examination are presented. Research is an essential part of academics, â€Å"research is the systematic study of materials and sources etc. in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions† (Oxford Concise Dictionary). The process by which a research is written or carried out is very important because it has a huge impact on the conclusions reached at the end of the research. There are two major research philosophies which underpin the research strategy and the method that will be used to carry out a research (Collis and Hussey, 2009). They are the positivism and interpretive research paradigm. Positivism involves â€Å"working with an observable social reality and that the end product of such research can be law-like generalisations similar to those produced by the physical and natural scientists†, the assumption is that â€Å"the researcher is independent of and neither affects nor is affected by the subject of the research† (Remeneyi et al, 1998:32). Interpretive is â€Å"a philosophical position which is concerned with understanding the way we as humans make sense of the world around us, the underlying assumption is that by placing people in their social context, there is greater opportunity to understand the perceptions they have of their own activities† (Hussey and Hussey, 1997). Research Design: In general, the methodology of research and term of research design are seems to signify the equal thing, but actually they are not same. Research design is â€Å"a plan or a blue print of how a researcher intends to conduct a study†. The actual significance of research design is to direct the way of data collection procedure and examine the data in order to response for recognized research problem(s); but, the research methodology is to illustrates how something would be done. Research methods are two forms quantitative and qualitative method. Use of countable data is Quantitative. On the other hand, use of non-countable data is qualitative. In this research, we are using the combination of quantitative and qualitative data methods. Appropriate data collection for this research would be using a questionnaire which well structured open – ended questions. Data related to the previous exiting literature review of the research area were gathered from different secondary sources. Furthermore, Ghauri Gronhaug (2005: p109) mention that, a quantitative research is more scientific than a qualitative research. Below, the chart step shows the process of research. Sampling methods and Size: It is incumbent on the researcher to clearly define the target population. There are no strict rules to follow, and the researcher must rely on logic and judgment. The population is defined in keeping with the objectives of the study. Sometimes, the entire population will be sufficiently small, and the researcher can include the entire population in the study. This type of research is called a census study because data is gathered on every member of the population. Usually, the population is too large for the researcher to attempt to survey all of its members. A small, but carefully chosen sample can be used to represent the population. The sample reflects the characteristics of the population from which it is drawn.Sampling methods are classified as either probability or non probability. The significance of sample is ’’ A portion, piece, or segment of population that is representative of a whole†. For the quantitative research it is highly essential representative sample; where reflects the population completely so that conclusion can be done. To envoy the whole population sample should be big enough. A small size of will be enough to represent a homogenous population; but, representation of a heterogeneous population required  Ã‚   large sample size. On the basis of population types we need to be more cautious to selecting the sample size. Data Collection: The process of data collection is to collecting appropriate data about the research from particular population. There are various way of data collections method such as interviews, questionnaires, group interviews or conference and observation. Each of the individual’s methods has its own and sole features; some advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of questionnaire method is cost effectual, simple association and straightforward analysis predominantly in a quantitative research. Qualitative Research: The objective of the qualitative research is to gain qualitative understanding of the underlying reasons and motivations of the issue in hand. The procedures of qualitative research are classified either as direct or indirect, based on whether the true purpose of the research is known to the respondents. A direct approach is not disguised. The purpose of the project is disclosed to the respondents or is otherwise obvious to them from the questions asked. Focus groups and in-depth interviews are the main direct techniques. An indirect approach disguises the true purpose of the research. Projective techniques, the commonly used indirect techniques, consist of association, completion, construction and expressive techniques. Quantitative Research: The quantitative primary data in descriptive research. Both these methods require some procedure for standardizing the data collection process so that the data obtained are internally consistent and can be analysed in a uniform and coherent manner. A standard questionnaire or form will ensure comparability of the data, increase speed and accuracy of recording and facilitate data processing. A questionnaire is a formalized set of questions for obtaining information from respondents. Any questionnaire has three specific objectives.   (1) Developing questions that respondents can and will answer and that will yield the desired information is difficult. This objective is challenging. (2) A questionnaire must uplift, motivate and encourage the respondent to become more involved, to co-operate, and to complete the questionnaire. In designing the questionnaire, the researcher should strive to minimise respondent fatigue, boredom and effort to minimise incompleteness and non-response. (3) A questionnaire should minimise response error. Response error is defined as the error that arises when respondents give inaccurate answers or their answers are misreported or misanalyses. Struwig Stead (2001: p 89) stated that questions putted in questionnaires principally come through a review of literature on the area under discussion. On the other hand, Ghauri Gronhaug (2005: p127) suggest that the questions and question design could be depends on researcher and that would be simplify for analysis purpose; such as open or closed ended, multiple choice, grading system or Likert scale format etc. Questionnaire Design Process: Step 01: Specify the information needed; once the research problem is well defined and the objectives of the research are well set, the information needed to serve reaching the objectives have to be specified.   A clear idea of the target population is also essential, since, more diversified the respondent group; the more difficult is to design a single questionnaire appropriate for entire group. Step 02: Specify the type of interviewing method; how the questionnaire is going to be administered influences the questionnaire design. If the respondents see the questionnaire and interact face to face with the interviewer, then lengthy, complex and varied questions can be asked. In telephone interview, the questions have to he short and simple. If the questionnaires are mailed to the respondents, the questions must be simple and detailed instructions must be provided. Step 03: Determine the content of individual questions; Questionnaire should contribute to the information needed. If there is no satisfactory use for the data resulting from a question, that question should be eliminated. Once the researcher decides that a question is necessary, he or she must decide whether this question alone could fetch the required information or double barrelled questions are required to achieve the needed information. Research Questions: The research should be well organized to find out the appropriate data. In this research we have chosen the issues to tourist destinations tourism problems and prospects. Bangladesh tourism development and its barriers of the growth on tourism are our topics. On this study we will attempt to answer the following questions: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  What are the major and key impacts of tourism in Bangladesh? 2.  Ã‚  Which reasons behind the recognized problems? 3.   To explore how tourism will thrive in spite of identified crisis.   Main objectives of the research: Before doing a research it is highly masseur the excepted outcomes or objective of the research.The aim and objectives of the study are given below: To examine the barriers of tourism growth in Bangladesh. To investigate the possible ways of improvement of identified problems. To find out   the future development trends in Bangladesh tourism Data Analysis: The main objective of data analysis is to facts, identify patterns, build up explanations and test hypothesis. Various methods can be using for data analysis such as content analysis, thematic analysis, theoretical sampling, grounded theory etc. The aim of data analysis is to emphasize crucial information and advocate conclusions which help in result making processes. Data analysis is a process that aims to describe facts, identify patterns, develop explanations and test hypothesis. All of these help to highlight vital information and recommend conclusions which help in decision making processes. Data can be analysed using various methods such as content analysis, theoretical sampling, thematic analysis, grounded theory etc. Bernard (1952) defined content analysis as a research technique for the objective, systematic, and quantitative description of manifest content of communications. Thematic analysis is an approach to dealing with data that involves the creation and application of ‘codes’ to data, there is a link between this method and the grounded theory method. Grounded theory was discovered by Glaser and Strauss (1967) as a method of analyzing data, it is a systematic analysis of data that aims to develop a higher level of understanding or generate theories regarding a social phenomenon. Referencing Sources: University students are expected to refer to the work of other authors to support the ideas. We need to mention whose work are using by citing it   in the text of your assignment and also in a list at the end of your assignment. References must be provided whenever someone elses opinions, theories, data or organisation of material. You need to reference information from books, articles, videos, web sites, images, computers and any other sources.   Harvard referencing style is now the most popular and standard for use in the University research. Reading lists in course handbooks should follow this style of referencing. The Harvard system has increased in popularity over the years and has the advantage of being flexible, clear and easy to use without the need for footnotes and chapter references as used in other systems. The importance of the referencing system is to acknowledge the work of other authors/writers. To exhibit the body of knowledge on which you have based your work and enable other readers to trace your sources and lead them on to further information. During my research works, I need many references and it is essential that to record as much detail as possible and be sure the information is exact. This will save you time later when re-tracing references or when you need to incorporate a reference into the bibliography. Proper referencing will enable the reader to do their further study on different related issues.    Conclusion: This research study will draw attention to the core problems and investigate key reasons for downwards trends of tourism industry in Bangladesh. In spite of the recognized problems how tourism will flourish towards its development. In the literature review we have got a clear scenario of the problems of tourism sector in Bangladesh as well we focused a few noteworthy attractions prospects to utilize and develop the future trends of tourism. In this case work, we find how the political influences effect the destination tourism growths. Without calm and tourist friendly environment none of the tourist destination in the world can expand their tourism sectors. We can take learning from a few Asian tourists destinations that are enormously affected by their internal political chaos and how it destroyed their tourism prospects and as well how the destination recovered their destination image in the international tourism.   The government of Bangladesh should take necessary initiative; w here collaborations with the opposition political parties are highly required. To make an sustainable master plan to develop tourism sector of Bangladesh; where political stability is the main and key tools of its success.   Bangladesh has holding a huge international attraction as well prospects on its tourism sector to contribute countries economy. References: Akis, S., Peristianis, N., Warner, J., 1996. Residents’ attitudes to tourism development: Thecase of Cyprus. Tourism Management, 17, p. 481-494. Akhter, Shelina (2001): â€Å"Tourism in Bangladesh: An Evaluation†, Journal of Bangladesh Asiatic Society Bangladesh, December, 2001. Ankomah, P., Crompton, J. (1990) Unrealised tourism Potential the case of sub-Saharan Africa. Tourism Management. Beirman, D., 2003, Restoring Tourism Destination in Crisis: A Strategic Management Approach, Allen Unwin, Crows Nest, Australia. Ghauri, P. Gronhaug, K. 2005. Research methods in Business studies. Dorset:Prentice Hall. Hossain, M. A. and Nazmin, S., (2006) â€Å"Development of Tourism Industry in Bangladesh- an empirical study on its problems and prospects† Centre for Tourism and Hotel management Research, Ga-1, Rashedul Hasan Bhaban, University of Dhaka, and Dhaka Lepp, A., and H. Gibson, â€Å"Tourist Roles, Perceived Risk and International Tourism†, Annals of Tourism Research,30(3),606–624 Islam, Faridul and Islam, Nazrul(2006).†Tourism in Bangladesh: An Analysis of Foreign Tourist arrivals†, Struwig, F. W. Stead, G. B. 2001. Planning, designing reporting research.Cape Town: Maskew Miller Longman. Sausmarez N., 2007, â€Å"Crisis Management, Tourism and Sustainability: The Role of Indicators†, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 5(6),700-714. S. F. Sonmez, â€Å"Tourism, terrorism, and political instability† Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 25, pp. 416-456, 1998. S. F. Sonmez, S.J. Backman, and L.R. Andallen, Managing Tourism Crises, Clemson University, London, Sage, 1994. Vassiliadis, Christos, 1996, â€Å"The Geek Tourism Marketing Policy to Foreign Countries through the scope to attract foreign visitors; Model of investigation: the Northern Greece destination†, (in Greek) Dissertation, University of Macedonia-Library, Thesssaloniki, Greece,p.165. W.J.Cook, â€Å"The Effect of Terrorism on Executives Willingness to Travel Internationally,† The City University of New York Unpublished doctoral dissertation 1990. World Tourism Organization, Handbook on Natural Disaster Reduction in Tourist Areas, Madrid: WTO. 1998. The Daily Star, Dhaka, Available: 83108392, Sep.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Gothic Elements in Anne Radcliffes The italian essays

Gothic Elements in Anne Radcliffes The italian essays Anne Radcliffes novel The Italian incorporates many aspects of the Gothic that can be found weaved throughout the text. Radcliffes novel is a combination of an exploration into a striking culture, with looming family secrets, subtle hints of supernatural forces at work and Gothic architecture everywhere. Yet perhaps the most effective use of the Gothic used in Radcliffes novel is her ability to keep her reader in constant suspense. Through the use of foreshadowing, Radcliffe creates a unique chain of events intended to lure the reader deeper into the realm of darkness and the Gothic atmosphere that surrounds characters in The Italian. Numerous Events foreshadowing the scenes taking place occur at the beginning of each chapter. The quotes Radcliffe uses to introduce each chapter of the novel allow the reader an idea of the events to follow throughout the chapter. The first chapter of the novel inspires this design with the quote What is this secret sin; this untold tale. That art cannot extract, nor penance cleanse?-mysterious Mother (Radcliffe, 5). This quote itself foretells that Radcliffes novel holds a secret, perhaps one pertaining to a family name, which has been revealed in confession. This theory is supported in the next pages of the text as the reader finds out that what he is reading is a written account of a confession made at the convent of the Black Penitents. The secret itself is so immense that the guilt cannot even be cleansed by the penance. In Radcliffes novel many, places and characters are veiled throughout the novel. The first description the reader has of this is of a veiled woman: It was in the church of San Lorenzo at Naples, in the year 1758, that Vincentio di Vivaldi first saw Ellena di Rosalba. The sweetness and fine expression of her voice attracted his attention to her figure, which had a distinguished air of deli...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Parsing Dickens

Parsing Dickens Parsing Dickens Parsing Dickens By Maeve Maddox A reader, reacting to a recent post about parsing, responded with this literary reflection: Two sentences from Dickens Bleak House, chapter one, confuse me as to how to parse them.   [The rain in London has been heavy and the streets a running with mud.] Dogs, undistinguishable in mire. Horses, scarcely better; splashed to their very blinkers. Its the genius of Dickens that the reader must visualize mud everywhere and dogs running in and out of crowded streets with horses hooves splattering mud into the air with every step. If hed written in standard formal English, the reader could simply note the story fact for future reference in case dirty dog and dirty horses might be important. You can see the Londoners trying to avoid the dogs and step into flying muck from the passing horses. Read more carefully, and you can hear it, smell it, and even taste the air. But how the Dickenspun intendeddo you parse it? My first reaction to this email was admiration for the reader’s fine appreciation of Dickens, master of the inspired sentence fragment. My second reaction was, why would anyone want to parse Dickens? But, since the question was asked, my answer is, â€Å"very easily.† Dogs- noun, subject of the fragment undistinguishable- adjective, qualifies â€Å"dogs† in- preposition, governs â€Å"mire† mire- noun, object of the preposition â€Å"in† Horses- noun, subject of the fragment scarcely- adverb, modifies adjective â€Å"better† better- adjective qualifies â€Å"horses† splashed- past participle used as adjective to describe â€Å"horses† to- preposition governs â€Å"blinkers† their- possessive adjective, qualifies â€Å"blinkers† very- adjective qualifies â€Å"blinkers† ​blinkers- noun, object of preposition to​ A complete sentence has a subject and a verb; a fragment usually has one or the other. In modern usage, very is almost always used as an adverb, but it can also function as an adjective. For example, â€Å"The sailors mutinied for very hunger.† In the Dickens example, very serves to emphasize the extremity of the blinkers from the horse’s feet, which could be expected to be covered with mud. It’s nice to know that Dickens is still being read for pleasure and with aesthetic appreciation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)The Possessive ApostrophePlurals of Proper Names

Saturday, October 19, 2019


RELEVENT ECONOMETRIC OUTPUTS FROM EVIEWS - Assignment Example Thus, while the beta coefficients measure the first order impacts, i.e., the slope of the partial functions, the theta coefficients measure the second order impacts or the curvature. The expected signs on these coefficients will depend upon the nature of the relationship that the variable has with sales revenue. If the true relationship that is being estimated is truly nonlinear, then the beta coefficients themselves would be functions of the corresponding independent variables. The signs would depend upon the value of the independent variable itself. For instance, a rise in price of mobile phones would lead to a certain rise in revenue if other things, in particular the number of units sold remained unaltered. However, as price rises, the demand for the product would go down thereby implying a potential fall in the overall sales. The final impact would depend upon the price elasticity of demand of the product. For lower level of sales the demand would be highly inelastic implying th at rising price would still generate increased revenue. But if the demand became elastic, then there would be a definite decline in revenue. Since demand for average mobile phones tend to be relatively inelastic, we should expect to see a positive beta coefficient and a negative theta coefficient. In case of advertising, again the beta coefficient measures the impact of a rise in advertising on total sales while the theta coefficient measures the marginal impact. We should expect that increase in advertising should stimulate additional sales. However, the incremental benefits of more advertising typically are found to be declining. In simpler terms, as there is more and more advertising, the incremental impact on sales declines. Thus, we should expect a positive beta but a negative theta coefficient for all the advertising variables. Table 1: Results of OLS regression, problem 1 Dependent Variable: REVENUE Method: Least Squares Date: 09/29/11 Time: 13:10 Sample: 1 60 Included observ ations: 60 Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.  Ã‚   C 359.1101 76.04848 4.722120 0.0000 PRICE 2.880176 1.411429 2.040609 0.0465 PRICE^2 -0.011268 0.006384 -1.765162 0.0835 TV 6.383748 3.514018 1.816652 0.0751 TV^2 -0.418966 0.359010 -1.167003 0.2486 NEWSPAPER 3.480550 2.251321 1.546003 0.1283 NEWSPAPER^2 -0.107221 0.160149 -0.669510 0.5062 RADIO 11.10707 1.184501 9.377007 0.0000 RADIO^2 -0.336564 0.053449 -6.296872 0.0000 R-squared 0.876161   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mean dependent var 646.5073 Adjusted R-squared 0.856736   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  S.D. dependent var 30.92782 S.E. of regression 11.70626   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Akaike info criterion 7.895606 Sum squared resid 6988.868   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schwarz criterion 8.209758 Log likelihood -227.8682   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hannan-Quinn criter. 8.018488 F-statistic 45.10326   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Durbin-Watson stat 2.333861 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000 2. We test the joint significances of the variables first in levels (table 2) and then in squares (table 3). Table 2: Te sting Joint significance of the variables in their levels Wald Test: Equation: Untitled Test Statistic Value  Ã‚   df  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Probability F-statistic 8.295663 (3, 51)  Ã‚   0.0001 Chi-square 24.88699 3  Ã‚   0.0000 Null Hypothesis Summary: Normalized Restriction (= 0) Value  Ã‚   Std. Err. C(2) - C(8) -8.226895 1.877380 C(4) - C(8) -4.723323 3.679021 C(6) - C(8) -7.626522 2.427360 Restrictions are linear in coefficients. The

Colonization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Colonization - Essay Example Though this process may or may not victimize indigenous populations, history often times demonstrates otherwise, as we shall see later in this essay. In ancient times, during the bonze age, maritime nations, such as the city-states of Greece, often established colonies. "Eventually Hellas spread over an enormous area, including the Black Sea littoral to the east, the coastal areas of Asia Minor, the Aegean Islands, Greece proper, southern Italy and most of Sicily, and continuing west on both shores of the Mediterranean to Cyrene in Libya and to Marseilles and a few Spanish coastal sites" (Finley 1963). These colonizations appear to have been an effort to acquire more living space emphasising the farming of uninhabited or sparsely habited land. Land suitable for farming during ancient and classical periods was often claimed by migratory barbarian tribes whose livlihood was met by hunting and gathering. "The Roman Empire was another great colonization of ancient times. The Roman Empire conquered a large part of Western Europe, North Afraica and West Asia. Though in North Africa and west Asia they were often conquering civilized peoples, as they moved north into Europe they often encountered little more than rural tribes with very little in the way of cities. In these areas, waves of Roman colonization often followed the conquest of the area. Roman Empire, political system established by Rome that lasted for nearly five centuries. Historians usually date the beginning of the Roman Empire from 27 BC when the Roman Senate gave Gaius Octavius the name Augustus and he became the undisputed emperor after years of bitter civil war. At it peak, the empire included lands throughout the Mediterranean world. Rome had first expanded into other parts of Italy and neighboring territories during the Roman Republic (509-27 BC), but made wider conquests and solidified political control of these lan ds during the empire. The empire lasted until Germanic invasions, economic decline, and internal unrest in the 4th and 5th centuries AD ended Rome's ability to dominate such a huge territory. The Romans and their empire gave cultural and political shape to the subsequent history of Europe from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance to the present day" (Encyclopedia Encarta). III. Dark and Middle Ages During the middle ages, current great cities of Europe in Spain, Germany, and France began as Roman colonies. Cities such as the German city of Cologne was one example and London was another which the Romans called Londinium. As the decline and collapse of the Roman Empire progressed, noting that it was not an overnight collapse, the movement of large-scale migration of people in Eastern Europe and Asia, often cealled barbarians, thrust their way into southern and western Europe causing the Roman Empire to slowly lose its entrenched holds of peoples in those areas. The Dark Ages also saw huge migrations of tribal peoples consolidating new colonies all over Western Europe, thus contributing to the development of many modern day nations of Europe. The Huns colonized Hungary, the Franks in France and Germany and the Anglo-Saxons in England. During this period, another great colonizing people were the Vikings of Scandinavia. The Vikings were fierce conquerors and set out to pillage and terriorize the coastlines of Northern Europe, especially the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Modern Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Modern Society - Essay Example For Freud was pleased with the critical review that his Italian disciple had come up with: "I am glad you have shown yourself to be courageous and honest, as always."[ Roazen 2000, page 4] However, the closer we may seem to be in easily understanding his works and get to a conclusion of our own, the more complicated our thinking process about him becomes. As for citing an example, the following citation goes: In his Civilization and Its Discontents (1930) he would make no bones about why he thought the love for humanity was both unrealistic and undesirable. In a way Freud had given away his true sentiments even in his letter to Rolland, when he put the love of mankind on the same level as the necessity for technology, which Freud like other Europeans of his time looked on with at best mixed feelings[Roazen 2000, page5]. Further, His book Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious is one of the most complicated ones he ever wrote, and attracts little attention nowadays. That text is littered with examples of the worldly wisdom which can be communicated through jokes. Freud's dry cynicism was frequently reported. We know a bit about how much he appreciated Mark Twain's public appearances in Vienna. Like all complex figures Freud had his multiple contradictions, but he harnessed them into making the great literature he left which is still capable of enlivening debates today. It remains for the future to determine whether Freud will in the end succeed in ranking with thinkers like Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau, and others who disturbed the sleep of the world [Roazen 2000, page 8]. By withdrawing all their liberated energies into their life on earth, they will probably succeed in achieving a state of things in which life will... The citizen in modem society, laboring, according to Freud, under a heavy burden of unconscious guilt, does not recognize it; he only feels a "sort of uneasiness or discontent for which other motivations are ~ought."The patient does not recognize this sense of guilt either. "As far as the patient is concerned this sense of guilt is dumb; it does not tell him he is guilty; he does not feel guilty, he feels ill."4 Freud seems to suggest, however, that the "pale criminal" or "criminal from a sense of guilt," can, in fact, partially recognize his unconscious guilt.' This type of criminal, Freud tells us, does not feel guilty because he commits crimes; rather he commits crimes because he suffers from an oppressive pre-existing sense of guilt which he cannot account for. Freud implicitly did, the idea of unconscious guilt as a means of changing and restructuring society? I suggest that they did, that the crisis of pestilence was also an opportunity, an opportunity to topple rulers, banish one's political opponents, and change the form of regime. The process of purification was an integral part of classical politics. Freud finally comes to the conclusion, in Civilization and Its Discontents, that since society will not see that it is sick, and would resist treatment, in any case, the only hope for society lies in its being coerced into receiving therapy". Any problem which society experienced could be explained as the result of an unconscious sense of guilt, due to the fathers having sinned even centuries earlier.

Evaluation of Statistical Data Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluation of Statistical Data - Term Paper Example The main objective of this study is to determine significant factors that influence the overall academic performance i.e. GPA of a student. The major possible factors identified initially include Class, Age, IQ and the study time a student contributes for learning and acquiring knowledge after class hours. The sample of this study comprised of 30 students gathered from different class intakes. The cumulative GPA of each student was used to measure their overall performance. In this particular case study, our independent variable is Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) on a scale of 4.00 while our dependent variables include class of the student, age of the student, his or her IQ level and study time that a student consumes after class hours for learning. In this study, Minitab 16.2.1 Statistical Software was used to carry out statistical calculations. Initially, descriptive statistical analysis was carried out for all dependent and independent variables to study their distribution pa ttern to draw any meaningful interpretation. Further, correlation and regression analysis was conducted to determine if there is a relationship between the independent and dependent variables. ... Descriptive Statistical Analysis First of all descriptive statistics of independent and dependent variables was carried out using Minitab 16.2.1 Statistical software to study the distribution pattern of the values contained within these variables for a sample size of 30 i.e. n=30. According to Kirk (2008), mode is highest score value in the data sample that has the maximum frequency of occurrence, median is the center value in the order data sample that divides the sample into two halves while mean is the average of all data points and is the center of gravity of the sample. Kirk (2008) highlights that the standard deviation is the most important and widely used value that helps to identify the dispersion of the data. The square of standard deviation is called variance. Skewness is the measure of extent to which distribution of the data leans to one side of the mean. A negatively skewed data indicates that the distribution leans to right while positively skewed data indicates distrib ution leaning to the left of average value. Kurtosis, on the other hand, is the measure of peakedness of the sample data. Below is detailed analysis of the independent and dependent variables: Class of Students The pie chart indicated that 10% of the students from our sample of 30 students were from Class 1, 20% were from Class 2, 23.3% from Class 3 and 46.7% from Class 4 as shown below. Figure 1 : Pie Chart of Percentage of Students Sampled from Each Class Grade Point Average The descriptive statistical analysis of the GPA sample revealed that the mean value of GPA was 3.2317 with a standard deviation of 0.3597. The Skewness of the sample is -0.04 which indicates that data is nearly uniformly

Thursday, October 17, 2019

SPORT MANGMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

SPORT MANGMENT - Essay Example I have always wondered how names such as Emirates Stadium and IBM got into the world of sports. By the end of our trip, the questions of how the sports world is organized, and why sponsors are inevitable in sports had fully been answered. Each day was a new experience as I got to learn the different sports sponsors in United Kingdom as well as the role that sponsors have played in transforming the world of sports. To demonstrate the role of sponsors and technology in sports particularly in United Kingdom, I will mainly focus on three days of the trip, which, include experience at the Arsenal Club, visit to the Wimbledon court, and stopover at the BBC Journal. In each visit, we looked at the role of sponsorship, the advantages, and disadvantages of sponsoring large sport events especially on the risks that, such sponsorship entails which may lead to failure within the sports industry, the events, the players, the participating brands, and the sponsors. The information in this paper will not only demonstrate my tremendous experience but will be useful for those hoping to venture in the world of sports (Sport England Web). The United Kingdom is unquestionably a lovely country rich in culture and history, and a commendable source of business and expert knowledge not just in sports but also in different fields. On May 30, I set off for Arsenal stadium to get the facts about the team I have always adored but only watched them play on the TV. It was a fascinating experience to learn that Arsenal migrated to another stadium because they were losing businesswise due to lack of enough seats for fans. The old stadium could hold less than 40,000 and they have to put about 20,000 persons in the waitlist (thestadiumguide Web). The new Stadium is the third-largest football stadium in England after  Wimble Stadium and  Old Trafford,  and holds approximately 60,350 fans


THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP AND HIGH PERFORMANCE (HRM) SYSTEMS ON PATIENT SAFETY MEDIATING BY ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE IN SAUDI HOSPITALS - Thesis Example lted in hospitals beginning to provide integrated health care services which was qualitatively made even better through technological adaptations (Lighter and Fair, 2004, p.7). As the hospitals grew in size, capital and functions, a considerable work force began to get aligned with it resulting in a scope and need for applying management and human resource concepts and frameworks into them (Hernandez, 2009, p.4). This was also a result of health service as a sector being highly â€Å"labor intensive† (Hernandez, 2009, p.4). It is this evolving work environment in health care sector that is transforming all its outcomes including patient safety (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). This evolving work environment is what constitutes organizational climate of a health service organization and it is â€Å"the frame of reference through which individuals (workers) make sense of organizational life† in a health care facility (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). Hence, organizational climate can be viewed as one of the most important mediating element in patient safety (Walston, Al-Omar and Al-Mutari, 2008, p.35). This mediation happens through human resource management. Though there can be many aspects to human resource management that can lead to patient safety, this study envisages focusing on two specific elements of it, namely, leadership and high performance work systems (HPWS). The research done so far in this area have mostly generated data on how leadership and HPWS help build an organizational climate suitable for patient safety (Richardson and Storr, 2010; Stewart and Usher, 2010; Combs et al., 2007). Yet, these studies have also pointed to the lack of sufficient investigation being made into the whole process that starts with leadership and work force, evolves through organizational climate and arrives at desirable level of patient safety. This literature review envisages weighing the opposing arguments on the role of high performance work systems and leadership in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SPORT MANGMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

SPORT MANGMENT - Essay Example I have always wondered how names such as Emirates Stadium and IBM got into the world of sports. By the end of our trip, the questions of how the sports world is organized, and why sponsors are inevitable in sports had fully been answered. Each day was a new experience as I got to learn the different sports sponsors in United Kingdom as well as the role that sponsors have played in transforming the world of sports. To demonstrate the role of sponsors and technology in sports particularly in United Kingdom, I will mainly focus on three days of the trip, which, include experience at the Arsenal Club, visit to the Wimbledon court, and stopover at the BBC Journal. In each visit, we looked at the role of sponsorship, the advantages, and disadvantages of sponsoring large sport events especially on the risks that, such sponsorship entails which may lead to failure within the sports industry, the events, the players, the participating brands, and the sponsors. The information in this paper will not only demonstrate my tremendous experience but will be useful for those hoping to venture in the world of sports (Sport England Web). The United Kingdom is unquestionably a lovely country rich in culture and history, and a commendable source of business and expert knowledge not just in sports but also in different fields. On May 30, I set off for Arsenal stadium to get the facts about the team I have always adored but only watched them play on the TV. It was a fascinating experience to learn that Arsenal migrated to another stadium because they were losing businesswise due to lack of enough seats for fans. The old stadium could hold less than 40,000 and they have to put about 20,000 persons in the waitlist (thestadiumguide Web). The new Stadium is the third-largest football stadium in England after  Wimble Stadium and  Old Trafford,  and holds approximately 60,350 fans

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Believe and Culture Build Awareness Research Paper

Believe and Culture Build Awareness - Research Paper Example However, despite this seemingly important trend, many other security concerns are also emerging, which threatens the effective use of these technologies (Erickson 2008). This paper examines some of the challenges being associated with the process of establishing firm security systems in individual and corporate information systems. According to Scambray & McClure (2001), hacking can be described as the unauthorized entry into a person’s information database online. In the need for creating and using technology as a leveraging point for organizational effectiveness, individuals and organisations have developed websites and other online databases where they develop and store their confidential information. In this regard, the information is supposed to be kept away from the reach of unauthorized persons. In order to ensure that this information is secured safely, it is often expected that one uses effective and reliable passwords among other important approaches that can ensure that this information is safely secured (Scambray & McClure 2001). Additionally, the process of hosting these websites is supposed to be done on secure networks, which ensure that hackers and other malicious attackers do not gain entry into these information systems. Just like in normal aspects of life, intruding into someone’s physical space without his/her permission or context amounts to security threat. Culturally, it is important that one seeks permission before entry into a house or an office, in the same way, hacking can be seen to be violating the cultural ties that concern respect for one’s space and freedom. In all societies across the world, good mannerism involves several subsets including observing and respecting people’s physical space among others. In the same way, the development of online systems like websites and social sites is supposed to incorporate this important security concern. Across the world, many issues have so far been raised about the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Current Issues in Management Essay Example for Free

Current Issues in Management Essay Executive Summary Aim of this study This study is to analysis the selected airline business environment and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program implementations of some airline and compare with the selected airline. What is CSR CSR is an approach to business that takes account of issues associated with society and the environment in addition to more traditional business concerns of shareholders and profits. The low-fare airline â€Å"Ryanair† doing about CSR We can see the result of Ryanair CSR performance from the interviewee in this section. Analysis and discuss how the airline performance Corporate Social Responsibility. 1. INTRODUCTION In the last few decades, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown in importance, which is reflected by an increasing demand from consumers, employees, legislative systems, and the society for inclusive evaluations about how corporations are meeting acceptable standards. CSR plays an important role in the formation of airlines’ strategies due to the unique characteristics of the airline industry. Nevertheless, CSR in the airline industry has received relatively little attention from academics. The purpose of this study are to understand and analysis how the selected airline communicates to the outside world by implementing CSR programs. This research is exploratory by nature and is based on CSR reports published by the selected airline and related CSR information on the company websites. This topic has been chose because of the importance of CSR in business, more specifically in airline industry. What makes the application CSR programs in airline industry a particularly interesting topic to research is the highly competitive and pollutive nature of the industry. This competitive market has been caused by the price sensitivity of customers, and their desire to get good service at a decent price, as well as by the saturated nature of supply market due to multiple operators. In order to compete in the market, companies have to be cost efficient while providing best possible service. This, however, is difficult due to high operating costs that influence the whole industry. CSR is considered to be a vital part of any contemporary business strategy. In our mind focusing on CSR can provide airlines with both operational efficiency, as well as image benefits. People are becoming more aware of the social and environmental effects of their consuming habits, hence it be projected that innovative and responsible companies will continue to do well in the future, as their actions affect the purchasing behavior of customers.  The purpose of this study is to provide overview of CSR, discuss and analysis the performance of selected airline in corporate social responsibility. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ON CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN AIRLINE INDUSTRY Corporate are inseparable from society. Nowadays, the responsibility of corporations is not solely providing products and services, it must also take care of the welfare of the various stakeholders in society (Robin, 1987). Corporate nowadays do not primarily focus on profits but being society responsible which generates more intangible value. Consumers prefer to be associated with socially responsible cooperates and as a result of this, corporate will allocate response to this area and play a private role. First, the flying of airplanes will adversely affect the global environment (Miyoshi, 2009). Favorable public image can be created if the airline â€Å"greening† the environment. Secondly, promoting CSR is an attractive differentiation strategy, it gains competitive advantages and growing competition between airlines when airlines are offering increasingly similar products and service in marketplace. For meeting the expectations of various stakeholders and customers, airlines can fulfill their responsibilities as a corporate citizen especially for international airlines operates in multiple countries. There seems to be no universally agreed definition of CSR (Frankental, 2001). He even argues that â€Å"CRS is a vague and intangible term which can mean anything to anybody, and therefore is effectively without meaning†. The continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the community and society at large(Holmes and Watts, 2000). It is generally agreed that CSR refers to the obligations of the firm to society (Smith, 2003). 2.1 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY THEORIES AND STRATEGIES CSR includes four kinds of responsibilities: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic. The economic responsibility refers to the firm’s obligations  to be productive, profitable, and to maintain wealth. Firm’s legal responsibility refers to carrying out their activities within the confines of legal requirements. For ethical responsibility refers to having ethical codes, norms going beyond mere legal frameworks, and being honest in their relationships with their customers and their own employees. Finally, the discretionary component includes voluntary or philanthropic activities aiming to raise the well-being and development of society as a whole (Carrol, 1911). CSR issues under a variety of headings: Marketplace, workplace, community and environment will be used as CSR components. Safety is the most important social responsibility for the aviation industry. From All Nippon Airways CSR report 2009, the company reports the preventive measures for two incidents occurred in 2008 that influenced stakeholder trust in the airline. In order to improve workplace relationship and employee morale, Korean Air has created an Employee Counseling Center to resolve complaints and receive suggestions from employees. For community, â€Å"I Can Fly† Program from Cathay Pacific, program is designed to encourage young people to fly high and to reach for their dreams. Being an international airline, Cathay pacific’s community investments also extend to communities outside of Hong Kong. Singapore Airline participates â€Å"the Asia and Pacific Initiative to Reduce Emission (ASPIRE)† Program in 2010, demonstrated green flight, which operated from Los Angeles to Singapore via Tokyo. As a result, it was able to use around 6% less fuel than normally required for a s imilar flight. Nowadays, customers are more aware of ethical consumption so that the airlines act in positive role in society by implementing some corporate social responsibilities’ programs. At the same times, consumers are also vulnerable to the problems and crises they are facing to, such as crisis in values and climate change, huge differences among people and also economic crisis in developed countries. Therefore, company can gain customer satisfaction and market value when they are applying the above CSR components. Corporate social responsibility means that organizations take on responsibility towards others in society, not merely on their shareholders and customers (Holloway, 2004). On the other hand, corporate social  responsibility also can improve our quality of life in the local community to solving environmental or socio-cultural problems locally or globally. CSR has found a positive relationship in both the short and long terms (Lee and Park, 2009). (Kang et al, 2010) examined the effects of positive effects of positive (proactive) and negative (reactive) CSR activities. 2.2 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY CHALLENEGES AND ISSUES Despite the potential of a Value Chain approach, the following issues need to be considered if the airline is planning to adopt or develop further more comprehensive CSR activities. Financial implications The Low-Fares Airlines business model relies on cost-reduction (Grob and Schroder, 2007). There are costs associated with implementing a CSR strategy but many are already accounted for within existing budget lines such as: Charitable giving, environmental management programs, corporate sponsorship and etc. Staffing Monitoring, evaluation and management of CSR objectives and related actions do require a staffing commitment in order to facilitate accurate reporting of costs and benefits. The size of the staffing commitment depends on the size and commitment of an organization. British Airways at the time of writing employed 30 staff working on CSR related initiatives (GreenAir 2008) Time Implement on CSR is a medium to long-term commitment that can only be fully achieved with realistic timescales built in from the start. However, there are some objectives, or â€Å"quick wins†, that can be realized in the short-term. 2.3 SUMMARY OF KEY CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ELEMENTS Review of the corporate social responsibility theories, strategies,  challenges and issue has shown that most of the international airlines (for example, Cathay Pacific Airline, Air France-KML, British Airways and etc) are very proactive in some of CSR components, for example, climate change and environment; customer relations by proving a level of customer service and comfort that ensure customer loyalty by focusing safety and security; staff personal development of the airline’s staff by offering personalized career advice, training and encouraging job mobility within the group. However, some of budget airlines, they are not really focus on CSR as a business strategy, the reason are airlines didn’t want to spend too much money on CSR because they need to control expenses for other resources to ensure tickets are low prices. Therefore, those budget airlines only focus on environment and community only. 3.1 COMPANY BACKGROUND Ryanair was established in 1985 by the Ryan family with  £1 share capital and 25 staff. Operation started with daily flights from Waterford in the southeast of Ireland to London on 15 Bandeirante aircraft (Ryanair, 2010). In 1987, the company acquired their first jet aircraft and as a result increased their network with 15 scheduled routes from Dublin to Liverpool, Glasgow, Manchester, Cardiff and opened new routes from Luton to West of Ireland. Consequently the number of passengers increased to over 600,000, but the company soon faced intense price competition with Aer Lingus and British Airways resulting to  £20m loss. During the 1990s, Ryanair decided to restructure the company by copying Southwest Airline low fares model (Ryanair, 2010). 3.2 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AUDIT OF RYANAIR From the above audit, it showed that community projects, local skill training, advertising, disability access and ethical policies are not good from interviewee’s view. CO2 emissions, charity giving, pricing, training investment and safety are just fair. However, Ryanair are good in environmental responsibility for example: paper usage, water usage and waste. To understand why the interview gave this result, it will be discussed by using the following evidences. 4. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSS OF RYANAIR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PERFORMANCE Ryanair Corporate Social Responsibility activities report in 2011, it showed  environment, emissions trading, ethical codes and staff benefits will be implemented in coming year. For instance, Ryanair released two press releases about its 2008 Cabin Crew Charity Calendar, seven press releases for its 2009 Cabin Crew Calendar, and one press release for its 2012 Cabin Crew Calendar. Also, they even created a website for greening the environment. However, the charity calendar and other philanthropic efforts were not mentioned since 2008 annual report. In 2011 annual report, it also didn’t mention what kind of activities they did for the environment and how much fuel consumption they used. The following are the Corporate Social Responsibility performance of Ryanair between 2009 and 2012. For community, Fredrick (1986) developed the CSR analysis to include an ethical base to managerial decision taking in the form of corporate social rectitude and terms this CSR3. The theory claims that the study of business and community needs an ethical anchor to allow a systematic critique of businesss impact upon human consciousness and human continuity. When consumers book tickets at their website, charged price at the purchased stage is higher than the showed price at book tickets page. Real price has been hidden, it also counted as unethical. If the companys action can have either a positive or a negative impact on the quality of a group or individuals life, then the group or individual is a stakeholder of that company (Lepineux, 2005). On the other hand, Ryanair was not willing to provide services to those people who are disabled and older passengers has resulted in court ruling and got fines from court. After that, the airline increased the fare to all passengers and started lobbing airport and airlines, not to provide free services to disabled passengers. In 2010, The central London Country Court found it had acted unlawfully due to there was a passenger who I suffering from cerebral palsy and arthritis and be charged GBP18. Eventually, the one claimed GBP1136. Another important example of Ryanairs unethical practices is their advert in 2012. Two UK newspaper adverted for Ryanair have been banned after complaints from readers that they were sexist and treated women as objects (BCC News, 2012). The advertising Standards Authority (ASA) received 17 complaints of this advertising, and said they were likely to cause offence. However, the airline said the adverts promoted its cabin crew charity calendar and used  images taken directly from it (BBC news, 2012). The company faced probe by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) after a string of complaints and the rules have been breached seven times in two years (BBC News, 2009). Corporate Social Responsibility as the purpose of business and the knowledge and abilities of those that run the business (Worthington and Britton, 1997). Of course, every company is making profit, even Ryanair. Therefore, their operation and the impact on the environment have to be administrated. Ryanair is not very good in marketplace of the CSR components. They got a lot of complaints of cancellations, missing bags and denied boarding. In 2011, the aviation watchdog revealed that Ryanair and EasyJet were subject to the most complaints from British airline passengers in 2010. From Ryanair website, it shows that baggage complaints per 1,000 passengers have increased from 1.18 to 1.88 from 2010 to 2011 respectively. EasyJet had the most complaints with 719 and Ryanair following with 673. It was also noted that Ryanair complaints have risen by 70% since 2005 and the Liberal Democrats said that the numbers proved service standards is a casualty of lower fares (Guardian, 2010). As explained earlier safety is the most important social responsibility for the aviation industry. However, the flight to East Midlands Airport was forced to make an emergency landing and oxygen masks were deployed (The Sun, 2012). There are differences between Ryanair and its competitors in terms of services and how they are delivered. Ryanair pledges simply to get passengers from point A to B safely and at lowest price. Some seats are sold as little as  £1 or â‚ ¬ 1, however, if flights are delayed, passengers should not expect free refreshments (Emerald, 2007). At the same time, the airline treats their employees are different with other airlines e.g. Southwest airline. Southwest airline believes that customers deserve respect, fun and dignity but that their employees come first. This is because employees would treat customers the way they are been treated (Emerald, 2007). Employees from Ryanair are disregard. Also the company is in major dispute with its operation being socially irresponsible. 5. STRATEGIC CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RYANAIR Corporate Social responsibility is very important for growth of the business so that the airline should be more social responsible by addressing the demands of the stakeholders. Building the sense in the organization being socially responsible will improve corporate image to create value. In my opinion, environmental issues should be considered the most important. Despite the airline can only contribute few percent to global CO2 emissions, there still are so many people will consider flying to be much more harmful. Therefore airlines are pressured into contributing to the environment and reducing their environment impact. Moreover, focusing on environmental issues airline can gain competitive edge through improved image and operational efficiency. Fuel efficiency, waste and recycling should be the most important to be addressed. CO2 emissions nowadays can be considered. To tackle the issue of emissions, most of the airlines have implemented programs that aim to reduce overall emissions within a certain time period. For example, Air France aims to reduce CO2 emissions 1-2 % annually. This is also important in order to achieve emissions target set by IATA. Most of the airlines focus on improving fuel efficiency, as it is by far the biggest source of emissions. Ryanair should reduce fuel consumption immediately, improved maintenance and engine washing, improved route planning and navigation. Waste and recycling are the second important environmental topic. Waste produced by in-flight operations comprises of aluminum, plastic, mixed paper and organic waste. Chemical waste includes deicing and antifreeze products, paint and detergents used in washing airplanes and engines. Other waste sources are normal business operations where paper is the predominant material. Most airlines reviewed are trying to reduce waste and focus on recycling. Airlines should move towards recycling and reduction of waste production in all operational areas. In my opinion this can be achieved by favoring longer lasting, recyclable or biodegradable materials i.e. in  catering operations. Airlines have a high impact on neighborhoods and communities surrounding their major hubs. The airline should support communities by recruiting and training staff, offering educational support and etc. i.e mentioned previously â€Å"I Can Fly† Program from Cathay Pacific. Creating the organizational culture of shared values where employees are willing and enjoy to work. Empower employees to do their job, support and encourage them in their decisions. When employees are empowers to do their job and be respected at work place, they will feel that they are part of the organization and their decision are appreciated, then they will work wholeheartedly at the airline. It can improve customer servicing, reduce complaints and improve airline performance. Safety measures also to be one of the most important areas of airline business, concerning customers as well as employees. Therefore various systems should be implemented to support safe business operations. In order to ensure work safety, trainings supported by risk management systems should be implemented. Key performances should be regularly measured and improved according to the legal requirements. 6. CONCLUSION In the recent years the importance of CSR has been increasing immensely in the airline industry. Although in many aspects airlines are still behind in comparison to other industries, it has been made apparent that environmentalism and social responsibility issues will only increase in importance in the coming years and decades. Having a business strategy is as essential as never before due to a high need in business life for forecasting, measuring and developing business actions further. There will always be competitors that are potentially doing better business regarding overall revenue which consequently leads to a need of efficient and structured operations to ensure long lasting business success. Businesses that are going to last and also be profitable in the future are the ones  with CSR incorporated into their business strategy. We therefore believe that implementing it is inevitable. Like many other business aspects a clear vision on how to implement CSR is crucial. Therefore a â€Å"road map† needs to be developed in order to ensure a successful outcome. It allows the firm to be successful whilst using its resources within its unique environment to meet market needs as well as meet stakeholder expectations (Industry Canada 2006, pp. 32-33). 7. References Alle, M. M and Schmitz, A. M. (2004). Ryanair plc. Sà ©minaire delaboration dun Business Plan, p. 1-45. Moir, L. (2001). What do we mean by corporate social responsibility. 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